Monday, March 19, 2012

Things I forgot

Looking over the blog, I realized that a whole lot had happened between my blog from Paris ( which is a tale in itself) and now, as I try to resurrect this blog.

After Paris I went to San Francisco and saw two Gertrude (and Alice) exhibitions --The Steins Collect at SFMOMA and another at TheJewish Museum. Even more dazzling than seeing all those Picassos and Matisses was the fact that much of the furniture in the salon at 27 rue de Fleurus was also on exhibition, including the big chest on ches bottom picturet, two huge sideboards AND the desk (both behind Gertrude ), which is indeed very similar to the mini one I bought. Not, alas the Picasso designed, Alice petit pointed chairs, nor Gertrude's writing table However, I was able to take relative measurements of the chests. Also bought the exhibition catalogue which has lots of pix, some of which I'll scan and upload next post.

I am still trying to sort out how to use the new blogger. I don't seem to be able to have the nice pictures from the blogs I follow. On the other hand I have lost my nice modernist layout. Oh well,enough for today.